Eardisland Parish Magazine

The magazine is edited by Chris Bivand, and published by Eardisland Parish Council six times a year.

You can download the latest issues using the menu on the right, or clicking the cover image below. The magazine will open in a new browser window. You may need to download Adobe Reader .

For details of how to advertise in the magazine please contact Patricia Gill
Tel: 01544 388757
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Latest Issue - May 2024

Eardisland Parish Magazine May 2024


It is sad to have report three deaths: Michael Kirkham, Alan Tate and Ali Davies. Their obituaries appear from page 4 and some notes on Ali Davies on page 7. Condolences go to family and friends.

Earlier in the year I fell, managing to create six fractures in five ribs. I wish to express my gratitude to all those who sent cards, messages, telephone calls and general good wishes. It did mean a lot to me, and your thoughts were much appreciated. I would also like to say that the ambulance paramedics were excellent, as were all the staff at Hereford Hospital. I emerged from there after four days and I have been recovering well since. Here’s a tip. If you are going to fall over, do it somewhere soft!

At the time of writing, the rain seems finally to have abated. So, like most others, the garden is taking attention. Everything seems late because of the weather, but nature doesn’t wait, so everything is growing like mad.

This is edition 200 of the Eardisland Parish Magazine - Happy Birthday! I thank all those who keep the whole thing running, the writers, managers deliverers and, of course the Parish Council that funds the publication.

Finally, the Community Shop has been re-vamped with new paint and stocking. Please use it, or we lose it. Volunteers are always needed (nobody makes a personal gain) and even a brief period of your time will be much welcomed.

Chris Bivand

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