
Parish Council

Parish Clerk
Alison Sutton
07789 322771
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For details of Councillors please see the Parish Council link in the main menu.


Parish Magazine

Chris Bivand
01544 388375
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Patricia Gill
01544 388757
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Barry Freeman
01544 388226


Village Hall

Bookings Secretary
Caroline Marsden
Tel: 07518-471647
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Rev Julie Read
01568 708255
07968 916783
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Liz Lever
01544 388157
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Website Administrator
Ben Woodcock
01544 388976
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Clubs and Organisations

Please see individual pages for up to date contact details.

Updated 2.8.20

Copyright © 2024

The content of this site is the copyright of and Eardisland Parish Council.
Content may not be copied or used for commercial purposes.

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