Booking the Village Hall


VERY GOOD NEWS - the brand new, bigger and very lovely village hall kitchen is now complete, and the Main Hall, kitchen and small committee room are available for hire to individuals and groups.

This work has been a huge step towards ensuring we have a community centre fit for the future. There are of course still (always) jobs to do elsewhere inside and outside the Hall, which we and the Parish Council are working towards completing as time, funds and volunteers are available.

Hirers please note: from 4 April an additional charge of 5% is being applied to the hire charges listed on the website to offset the expected rise in energy costs; a full review of running costs will be carried out later in the year.

The Village Hall Management Committee are really looking forward to welcoming both new and existing users back to the Hall – keep your eyes open for upcoming events – these will be advertised on noticeboards, on the website and Facebook page and in the Parish Magazine.

Village Hall Bookings

Eardisland Flood Response Plan Meeting
Wednesday 09 September 2020, 03:00pm - 04:30pm
The PC is having 2 Zoom meetings to set up the Management Group for the EFRP and to start the actions needed to move the Plan forward – before the autumn/winter and increased risk of flooding.

The meetings are on Monday 7 September at 7.00pm and Wednesday 9 September at 3.00pm. Please contact the Parish Clerk by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the log-in details of whichever meeting you can attend. There are 2 meetings as it is by Zoom, which limits the number of people who can easily attend.

We hope that lots of parishioners will be willing to volunteer for the various roles within the Plan and take an active part in the parish flood response. We need residents who do not have major flood issues themselves and who are fit and able to undertake physical jobs to help those who are vulnerable eg. lifting furniture, cleaning out after flooding etc.

Please join this vital parish response.

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