Twinning 10th anniversary celebration
Saturday 27 May 2017, 10:00am - 11:00pm
Contact Ruth Brinton-Bivand This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This is being attended, amongst others, by our French guests, their hosts, representatives of the local organisations listed in the latest Who's Who (distributed with the Parish Magazine), the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Herefordshire, our MP, the High Sheriff of Herefordshire and the Mayor of Leominster and his consort.

There will be a series of very brief (three minute) speeches, interpreted into French and the ceremony will conclude with staff and pupils from Kingsland Primary School singing two songs one in French and one in English.

Complimentary coffee, tea and biscuits will be served at c.11.30am after the ceremony.

Please do come along and join in what should be a very joyous occasion. (Simply to help with seating and catering arrangements, it would be very helpful if you would please let me Ruth Brinton-Bivand if you hope to attend. Thank you.)

Location Eardisland Village Hall

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