Eardisland Parish Diary

Auction of Promises
Friday 22 June 2018, 07:30pm - 09:30pm

The cost of keeping St. Mary’s Parish Church, Eardisland, open and in use is in excess of £21,000 every year!   In order for this historic building to survive for the use and enjoyment of future generations, funds are always urgently needed.
Everyone in the Parish can play a part in helping to ensure the survival of the Church, by supporting a Grand Auction which we are planning, by donating something to be auctioned and by coming to the Auction which will be held in the Church, on Friday the 22 June at 7pm. There will be a small entrance fee of £5 which will include a glass of wine and light refreshments.

Auction Lots could be something material, for example a footstool, a painting, a whole or half a lamb, a bottle of vintage alcohol, or indeed any item which has value and which people would want to buy.  A promise could be something simple such as an hours cleaning or gardening / ironing / or house work or something much more exotic such as a meal for two, afternoon tea for four, a day’s driven shooting, a weekend holiday stay, a photoshoot, a lesson of some sort. The possibilities for auction lots are limitless the only constraint being our imagination!

Please put the date of the Auction in your diary, come to the event and if you can, find something which we can auction on the evening.
For more information contact a Milchard , a Wallis , a Hoda or a Kirby .

The cost of keeping St. Mary’s Parish Church, Eardisland, open and in use is in excess of £21,000 every year!   In order for this historic building to survive for the use and enjoyment of future generations, funds are always urgently needed.
Everyone in the Parish can play a part in helping to ensure the survival of the Church, by supporting a Grand Auction which we are planning, by donating something to be auctioned and by coming to the Auction which will be held in the Church, on Friday the 22 June at 7pm. There will be a small entrance fee of £5 which will include a glass of wine and light refreshments.

Auction Lots could be something material, for example a footstool, a painting, a whole or half a lamb, a bottle of vintage alcohol, or indeed any item which has value and which people would want to buy.  A promise could be something simple such as an hours cleaning or gardening / ironing / or house work or something much more exotic such as a meal for two, afternoon tea for four, a day’s driven shooting, a weekend holiday stay, a photoshoot, a lesson of some sort. The possibilities for auction lots are limitless the only constraint being our imagination!

Please put the date of the Auction in your diary, come to the event and if you can, find something which we can auction on the evening.
For more information contact a Milchard , a Wallis , a Hoda or a Kirby .

Location St Mary's

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